Media monitoring for Financial Research

Track news and articles across the web for your financial research and stay on top of global market trends. Turn data into action with our media monitoring tool.

Research Tool for your Strategic Decisions

Say goodbye to manual tracking and collation of data across websites. Uptime is a robust all-in-one AI-enabled company research tool and curation engine. Our data science experts constantly update our news monitoring database to cover comprehensive information across the web.

ABM Process
Personalized Experience

Alternative Data for your Investment Decisions

From hedge funds to mutual funds, the success of various investment management firms’ strategies is buried in the pile of data across the web. Uptime curates and annotates these data feeds that can be used as training sets for your AI, ML and NLP models. Augment your decision-making process by untangling the alternative data from our news monitoring and social listening tool.

Flag Risks to Spot Early Warnings

Media monitoring and social listening help you flag emerging risks that are critical to your business. Customized alerts bring comprehensive and timely information to your mailbox before the situation spins out of control. Export and share the news articles across the organization with the relevant stakeholders.

Real-time Alerts
Custom Newsletter

Quality Data sets for your Predictive Models

Our AI data analytics and machine learning technology convert unstructured data into machine-readable articles. The advanced noise filtering algorithm removes the unwanted noises from each article. These quality data feeds can be added to your predictive models and AI analytics products to create accurate forecasts and deeper insights.

Inbuilt Intelligent Taxonomy System

Our intelligent taxonomy system contextual tags the articles into event-based meta-data. Uncover the relevant business topics and corporate events with a quick event or keyword search. You could also build specific topics and keywords to track, classify and organize the articles.

Social Listening
B2B Lead Generation

Seamless Integration to your Business Intelligence Tools

Our AI analytics augments the news feed and social media data into your internal tools by any preferred delivery method. Our intelligent workflow automates data integration into your application through API Webhooks. Partner with Uptime to enhance your BI tools and financial products.

Deepen your Client Relationship

Information advantage is the prime driver to outperform the market. Asset managers and investment bankers rely heavily on event-driven market scenarios to advise clients on strategic decisions. Address the potential risks and compliance to create value for the client with active social media monitoring.

Identify Sales & Marketing

Trigger signals tailored for you

Fuel your financial intelligence with accurate real-time data

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